We came in two different groups - the majority that flew on the 9th, and a small group that came a day later. For those of us who had a day off, we went as a complete group to the Kaiyukan Aquarium in the Tempozan (Big Wheel) Plaza.
(As an aside, about the only thing we all ever do en masse is perform, so it was a rarity that we *all* went.)
The aquarium is one of the largest in the world. It's built around the theme of "Ring of Life," which is a play on the "Ring of Fire" (not Johnny Cash), the many-thousand-mile-long path of volcanicically active mountains that rings the Pacific Ocean.
(As another aside, it's this feature that the famous Ring of Fire handbell ensemble was named after.)
The aquarium is organized by regions, such as "Monterey Bay," "Deep Japan Sea," "Great Barrier Reef," etc. The centerpiece is a huge four-story tank encased in plexiglass, about which the walking path circles, starting at the top and descending to the bottom. As Michele says, at each depth there are different critters. You can see all of them at once from any level, but the fish tend to congregate at a particular volume, so every turn yields a fresh vista.
Here are a few pictures from our excursion. Unfortunately, it was raining, so we weren't al that interested in the giant wheel. Enjoy!
To the right is santa feeding the fishies. He also tried to help a sick sun fish, but it kept throwing up its dinner. We assumed it wasn't long for this world...
This is a menagerie of teeny-weeny jellyfish. Very cute.
And that's it!
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